Company Incorporation in Malaysia

Company Incorporation In Malaysia

Are you looking to set up a company or register a new one?

Look no further than MISHU! Our streamlined process simplifies the intricacies of company incorporation in Malaysia for foreign entrepreneurs and existing business owners. 

With just a few clicks, fill out our form and select the desired services, be it a company registration service or the incorporation of a company in Malaysia. We’ll handle the rest, delivering your company registration in 5-10 business days. Don’t let the complexities of company incorporation and registration hold you back from pursuing your business goals. 

Find out more about what company incorporation is, its advantages, and its processes here.

Your Digital Company Secretary In Malaysia

Our Company Incorporation Services in Malaysia

At Mishu, we specialise in the company incorporation Malaysia process, offering tailored solutions to set up your business efficiently and in compliance with local regulations. Our expert services cover every aspect of the incorporation of company in Malaysia:

01. Selecting the Best Business Structure

We assist you in choosing the most suitable company structure by evaluating:
new business opportunities

Business Objectives

Identify the best structure for your activities, such as a private limited company for trading purposes.
personal income tax and other services

Tax Implications

Explore tax benefits and obligations, including SST considerations.
intergrated time and cost optimisation features

Incorporation Costs

Compare the costs and financial impacts of different structures.
RM1 Paid Up Capital

Capital Access

Determine how each structure affects your ability to secure funding.
two compliance officer

Compliance Requirements

Assess the regulatory complexity associated with each structure.
Management skills training

Eligibility Criteria

Ensure you meet the requirements, like having a resident director, shareholder, and a qualified company secretary.

Liability Protection

Choose structures that offer limited liability to protect personal assets.

02. Streamlined Company Setup

We manage the entire process of company incorporation Malaysia, ensuring a smooth setup:

Name Reservation

Apply to SSM for your company name and address any queries.

Registration Documents

Prepare and submit all required documents, including those for directors and shareholders.
terms of service

Approval and Registration

Secure SSM approval and receive your Notice of Registration as needed.
promotion package icon 6

Permits and Licenses

Obtain necessary permits, licenses, and certificates.
promotion package icon 13

Governance Framework

Adopt a company constitution and establish a governance framework.
icon 2 briefing

Director and Secretary Appointments

Assist with appointing directors and company secretaries to meet legal requirements.

03. Post-Incorporation Support

After your company is incorporated, we provide ongoing support for regulatory compliance:

Bank Account Setup

Help with opening a corporate bank account and preparing necessary documentation.

Regulatory Filings

Manage timely submissions of annual returns, financial statements, and other documents to avoid penalties.

Statutory Record Updates

Handle updates to statutory records with CCM promptly.
New Sdn Bhd [Setup Sdn Bhd in MLY]

How to Register a Company in Malaysia

Registering with the Companies Commission of Malaysia is mandatory to operate a business in Malaysia legally. The Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) is the government agency responsible for regulating businesses in the country.

The registration process involves selecting one of three categories: Registration of Business (ROB), Registration of Company (ROC), or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Each category has different legal requirements, liability implications, and taxation considerations.

Our experienced team at MISHU offers expert guidance on how to set up a new company in Malaysia and the processes to help businesses select the appropriate business entity. Choosing the correct entity is crucial as it determines the company’s liability, tax obligations, and legal requirements. 

MISHU understands the importance of this decision and is here to assist you in making an informed choice. Check out our company incorporation article to learn more about the registration process and get help registering your business entity.

How to Set Up Sdn Bhd in Malaysia

Setting up an Sdn Bhd (private limited company) in Malaysia involves several steps. Below is an overview of the process:

  • Choose a unique company name.
    Appoint a director (Malaysian resident) and shareholder (can be a foreigner).
  • Prepare required documents.
  • Submit application with RM1,010 registration fee.
  • Receive Certificate of Incorporation upon approval.
  • Open a business bank account and register for tax with IRBM.
  • Obtain necessary licenses and permits for your business.

A Sdn Bhd registration in Malaysia can be a complex process, and it is advisable to seek professional assistance to ensure everything is done correctly. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get started!

New LPP [Register and Setup in MLY]
We are commited to building long term relationship with you.

Requirements to Register a Company

Here’s a quick checklist of the minimum requirements
RM1 Paid Up Capital

RM1 Paid Up Capital

Non-Malaysians may need to provide higher amounts depending on circumstances.

One Shareholder

One Shareholder

Non-Malaysians intending to own businesses in certain industries may need a local shareholder.

One Director

One Director

Must be at least eighteen (18) years old, living in Malaysia, and cannot be a bankrupt or convicted of a felony within the past five (5) years.

Director NOT A Bankrupt Or Convict

Director NOT A Bankrupt Or Convict

Non-Malaysians without residing in Malaysia must appoint a local nominee director.

One Company Secretary

One Company Secretary

Must be licensed by SSM or be a member of a prescribed professional body.

Malaysia Registered Address

Malaysia Registered Address

Standard practice is to use the Company Secretary office as the registered office.

Transparent Pricing | No Surprise Invoices

Our incorporation services include the following:

  • Checking the proposed company name for availability
  • Providing clarification on the completed registration form via phone or email
  • Preparing 3 sets of certified copies of Superform (Section 14), Notification of Registration (Section 15), Certificate of Incorporation (Section 17) and Notification of First Company Secretary (Section 58)
  • Preparing resolutions and minutes of first board meeting
  • Preparing resolution to open bank account
  • Preparing all registration forms
  • Filing all registration forms with SSM
  • Certificate of incorporation
RM2,199  RM1,499

Inclusive of RM1,010 SSM Registration Fees


Inclusive of RM1,010 SSM Registration Fees

Requirements for Foreign Incorporation

Here’s a quick checklist of the minimum requirements
RM1 Paid Up Capital

RM1 Paid Up Capital

Non-Malaysians may need to provide higher amounts depending on circumstances.

One Shareholder

One Shareholder

Non-Malaysians intending to own businesses in certain industries may need a local shareholder.

One Director

One Director

Must be at least eighteen (18) years old, living in Malaysia, and cannot be a bankrupt or convicted of a felony within the past five (5) years.

Director NOT A Bankrupt Or Convict

Director NOT A Bankrupt Or Convict

Non-Malaysians without residing in Malaysia must appoint a local nominee director.

One Company Secretary

One Company Secretary

Must be licensed by SSM or be a member of a prescribed professional body.

Malaysia Registered Address

Malaysia Registered Address

Standard practice is to use the Company Secretary office as the registered office.

Transparent Pricing | No Surprise Invoices

Our incorporation services include the following:

  • Checking the proposed company name for availability
  • Providing clarification on the completed registration form via phone or email
  • Preparing 3 sets of certified copies of Superform (Section 14), Notification of Registration (Section 15), Certificate of Incorporation (Section 17) and Notification of First Company Secretary (Section 58)
  • Preparing resolutions and minutes of first board meeting
  • Preparing resolution to open bank account
  • Preparing all registration forms
  • Filing all registration forms with SSM
  • Certificate of incorporation
USD 599  USD 330

Inclusive of RM1,010 SSM Registration Fees

Need a local Nominee Director?

Use one of ours

  • Pass our Know Your Customer (KYC) and Due Diligence (DD) compliance check
  • Take up of MISHU's company secretarial, accounting and tax services
  • Appointment of at least one (1) additional director (may be a foreigner) to act as an executive director
  • Submit a copy of the monthly bank statement to our nominee director for review
  • Provide a refundable security deposit starting from RM10,000. The deposit may increase if your company turnover is higher than RM500,000 per year, has high share capital, high external debt, runs a regulated business, or hires many local and foreign staff in Malaysia
  • You are not a citizen of, nor do you do business with customers from, the countries listed under the US Sanctions list

Need Employment Passes?

Apply with us

  • Employment Pass Category 1  (in key company role and with monthly salary of at least RM10,000).
  • Employment Pass Category 2 (in professional or managerial and with monthly salary between RM5,000 and RM9,999)
  • Employment Pass Category 3 (monthly salary between RM2,500 to RM4,999 and contract period not exceeding 12 months)
  • If only acting as shareholder, must have minimum 30% equity in the company; and be SSM-registered Director of the company and/or hold key position
  • Dependent Passes for spouse, children, and other dependents of Employment Pass Category 1 and 2 holders
  • Long Term Social Visit Passes for common-law spouses, parents, and unmarried children over 21 years old


To register your company:
step1 choose company name

Choose a Company Name

step2 Select Your Services

Select Your Services

Step3 Fill up the Form

Fill up the Form

We'll take care of the rest!

We've helped over 1000 entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground

Pre-incorporation Checklist for SDN BHD

What you need to prepare in order to setup your SDN BHD (private limited company) in Malaysia

Pre registration checklist for sdn bhd

    Frequently Asked Questions

    For more information about company incorporation in Malaysia, check out our FAQs section. Below, we answer common questions about the process, requirements, and other vital aspects to help you make informed decisions about your business.

    What is the requirement for company incorporation in Malaysia?

    You need a resident director/shareholder, a local residential address and a minimum paid-up capital of RM1.00 (though some situations may require more).

    How long does it take to incorporate a company?

    If all submissions are in order, it takes 3-5 business days. Note that missing details, however minor, often lead to delays, which is why it’s important to compile all relevant information before filing documents.

    Do I need a business address for my company?

    Yes and no. Incorporation can be done without a business address, but one will be needed later to secure the necessary operating licenses post-incorporation. To save time, incorporate now so that by the time you do have a business address, you’re not starting from square one.

    What is a common seal and does a company need it?

    A company seal is a physical stamp with the company’s details used to show acknowledgement and approval of any official documents. Under the Companies Act 2016, a company seal is not required unless company asks for it.

    What is the minimum and maximum number of shareholders in a company?

    Minimum one (1) and maximum fifty (50) shareholders.

    Can anyone be a director of the company?

    Yes. Anyone 18 years old and above (local or foreign) can be a director of the company so long as they fulfil the requirements under the Companies Act 2016.

    What are the responsibilities of a director?

    Directors ensure the soundness of short and long-term business operations, and must at all times exercise care, skill, and diligence in the execution of their powers for the company’s best interests. They must avoid conflicts of interests where they leverage their position to directly or indirectly benefit themselves, their relations or any party other than the company, Learn more here.

    What is the biggest advantage of setting up a company?

    Shareholders are not exposed to personal risks and their liabilities are limited by share ownership. In other words, under normal circumstances, shareholders cannot lose more than the amount they have invested in shares.

    Can a shareholder transfer or sell their shares?

    Yes. Shareholders may sell or transfer shares to any party so long the buyer can afford the purchase price and the transaction is compliant with the Company Constitution or Shareholders’ Agreement (if any).

    What is the tax rate of a company?

    The standard corporate tax rate on chargeable income is 24%. For small and medium-sized companies (i.e. paid-up capital of less than RM2.5 million and annual sales of less than RM50 million), the corporate tax rate is 17% on the first RM600,000, and 24% on any amount thereafter.

    Is it compulsory to set up a corporate bank account?

    Yes. Companies set up in Malaysia are required to set up a bank account, in which they deposit their minimum share capital to formalise the setup process. MISHU can assist with the bank account opening process.

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