HR Consulting

HR Consulting & Advisory Services

Our HR advisory and consulting services at MISHU cover a wide range of areas, such as recruitment, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and HR policies and procedures. We deliver tailored solutions to meet clients’ unique needs, whether small start-ups or large corporations. Our team of experienced HR consultants provides expert guidance and support to help businesses succeed in human resource management.

HR Consulting cover

Why Is HR Important?

As owners strive to grow their business and build a reputation, they require a workforce that is capable, motivated, and loyal to grow the business together.

Human Resource Management is what ensures this necessary talent pool can be nurtured and sustained. For that reason, every organisation must have a responsible Human Resource team capable of preventing and solving internal conflicts.

How, then, do businesses create this all-important HR team?

For some, the solution is to hire an already experienced HR team; for others, it is to upskill internal talent. While both are viable solutions, they require a significant investment of time and money.

For businesses that need fast results on a lean budget, there is a third option: outsourcing your HR needs to MISHU. Whether on a continuous or ad-hoc basis, our trained consultants are here to provide expert guidance and support on HR matters.

HR Consulting [Why Outsource HR]

Why Outsource Your Human Resources?

Outsourcing human resources can be a strategic decision for businesses of all sizes. It allows companies to efficiently allocate their time and resources towards core processes while entrusting HR-related tasks to a dedicated third-party provider.

Furthermore, HR advisory services offer access to specialized expertise and resources that may not be readily available in-house. This encompasses legal and compliance knowledge, benefit administration, and payroll processing.

At MISHU, we provide comprehensive HR advisory services, including HR consulting services and serve businesses in Malaysia. Irrespective of your company’s size – whether you are a small startup, a big multinational enterprise, or somewhere in between –​​ our team of experienced HR consultants offers tailored solutions to meet your unique needs.

By choosing MISHU for your HR consultant services, you can streamline your operations, enhance compliance, and optimize your human capital management strategies. All of this can be achieved while simultaneously reducing costs and boosting efficiency. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today to explore how our HR consulting and advisory services can benefit your company.

HR Consultation Services That We Offer

Our HR Consultation Services offer expert guidance on various aspects of HR management, including recruitment, employee relations, policies and procedures, compensation and benefits, and compliance with employment laws and regulations.
hr policy

HR Policy / Procedure Review

Any existing HR policies and procedures must be reviewed every 1 – 3 years.

per employment screening

Pre-Employment Screening

Background checks for applicants to determine suitability for the role and company.

recruitment procedure

Recruitment Procedures

The overall procedure of filtering, shortlisting and interviewing candidates for a role.

startegy HR delivery

Strategic HR Delivery

Best practices for execution of daily HR tasks that ultimately lead to organisation growth.

job analysis job descriptions

Job Analysis / Job Descriptions

The collection of key information on vacancies in a company to ensure the right talent can be found.

employee retention programs

Employee Retention Programs

Programs designed to enhance or maintain employee satisfaction.

employee relations

Employee Relations

How companies can develop and maintain a positive relationship with its employees.

employee surveys

Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Periodic questionnaires to gather employee feedback about their job satisfaction or better understand their circumstances.

employee handbook policies

Employee Handbook / Policies

A document covering company operational procedures which employees must adhere to.

payroll administration

Payroll Administration (small scale)

Easy-to-use software that manages all aspects of employee payroll and tax filing.

exit interview

Exit Interview Programs

Identify turnover rates and employee pain points to make the organisation a better place for future employees.

How our HR advisory and HR consulting works?

Our HR counselling and consulting services are made to offer specialised answers to satisfy the various requirements of our clients. In order to build a comprehensive HR strategy that is in line with our client’s business objectives, we first undertake a thorough analysis of their HR needs. 

Our staff of skilled HR consultants knows the most recent HR trends and best practices. They are leaders in their respective fields. 

We provide a comprehensive range of HR services, such as hiring and managing personnel, managing performance, paying and providing benefits, encouraging employee involvement, and maintaining HR compliance. 

Our clients can concentrate on their core businesses while we handle their HR issues, ensure compliance, and provide quantifiable outcomes with our HR advising and consulting services.

HR Consulting [How HR Works]

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I need an HR consultant?

Experienced HR consultant does not come cheap while inexperienced HR consultant might not be properly equipped to deal with a wide variety of situations. Our HR consulting services can provide advice for you to refer to and solve your HR problems.

What are the benefits of outsourcing HR consultancy?

An outsourced HR consultant can help save costs as a team of HR specialists will have their own knowledge and resources to solve HR problems. Our HR consultants also take pride in staying up to date with the legal requirement. Rest assured that your business will remain compliant if our consultants are on the job.

Can MISHU tell me if my HR policies are in compliance with the latest employment law requirements?

Yes, we constantly keep ourselves abreast of current developments and changes to employment law and can help keep your business policies fully compliant.

I think there's a problem concerning my employees, but I don't know what it is. Can MISHU help?

While every company is slightly different, there are usually common issues that affect employee performance, and we’ve had extensive experience identifying and helping to correct them. Schedule a call with us and we’ll do our best to help.

Can MISHU be available as and when I have an employee issue?

Yes, we also provide retainer service where you can ask us any questions about your employee issues or ask us to review any HR documentation as and when you need.

Are all consultations completed in one session or across multiple sessions?

We have both one-off and monthly retainer service.

What is a one-off HR consultation?

If your business is facing a difficult situation, you can choose to use our HR consulting services once to solve that problem and part ways once the issue has been resolved.

Does MISHU offer monthly retainer HR consultation?

Monthly retainer service means essentially you are having an HR Manager without adding on to your headcount and fixed payroll costs while getting the best expert advice from our experienced HR consultants.

How much am I looking at for these HR consultation services?

Our services are reasonably priced and tailored to your organisation’s needs. Contact us for more information.

Common terminologies used in the human resource industry
  • HR Policy / Procedure Review: Any existing HR policies or procedures will be required to be reviewed every 1 to 3 years.


  • Pre-Employment Screening: Every applicant will be required to go through a background check to determine if he is a good fit for the company.


  • Recruitment Procedures: The overall procedure of finding out, obtaining, filtering, shortlisting, and interviewing candidates for a job


  • Strategic HR Delivery: The general delivery or execution of daily HR tasks that include supporting and providing service to employees, ultimately aiding an organisation’s growth.


  • Job Analysis / Job Descriptions (JD): The procedure of collecting information such as education requirements, daily tasks and responsibilities about a certain job position that is in need.


  • Employee Retention Programs: Programs that are designed to enhance or maintain the satisfaction of an employee towards a company.


  • Employee Relations: Develop and maintain or establish a positive and good relationship with a company’s employees.


  • Employee Investigation: When an employee makes any complaint, HRs will need to take immediate action to begin investigations to tackle the problem.


  • Time and Attendance Solution: A software designed solely to track and optimise an employee’s working hours and wages or salary paid.


  • Payroll Administration (small scale): Software responsible for all aspects of employee payroll and tax filling.

  • Exit Interview Programs: Held when an employee leaves the organisation. Normally used to identify the turnover rates and understand an employee’s concerns to make the organisation a better place for future employees.



  • Organisational Development: The change and constant improvement of the organisational structures through performance and talent management, employee wellness and diversity.

  • Employee Surveys: Creating a set of questionnaires to understand employees’ feedback about their job satisfaction or circumstances.
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a company secretary?

    A company secretary is an officer of a company (well, not the one you treat as your PA in the office). Under Malaysian law, every company must appoint a company secretary – it is compulsory, not an option. A company secretary has a huge responsibility to ensure the company’s paperwork is in order, filed on time and advise the board to always stay in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

    Why outsource company secretarial services?

    Only really big companies will have an in-house company secretary as their employee. Most SMEs in Malaysia outsource and appoint an external company secretary. This way they can save on salary and associated taxes and employee benefits.

    Can I appoint another company secretary if I am not too happy with my current one?

    Yes, of course. There should not be any minimum lock-in period because the law allows the board to appoint a new company secretary at any time. MISHU was created to provide transparent, efficient and innovative company secretary services. Switch to us if you like what we do here!

    Is company secretary a director of the company also?

    No, these are two different roles in the company. However, if the same person wants to be both, this is allowed under the Malaysian law, provided the company has more than 1 director.

    What documents does a company secretary prepare?

    To put it simply, whenever there is a change in director, auditor, shareholder, company secretary, share capital or the name of the company, you need to notify your company secretary to effect the change. The company secretary will prepare the necessary resolutions and forms and update SSM of such change. The company secretary will also keep register books and prepare minutes and official correspondences.

    Can I get all my professional services done by a company secretary?

    We all know how lucky it is if a company secretary can multi-task and do everything under the sun! Unfortunately, a company secretary can only do so much. Please do not treat your company secretary as your lawyer, accountant, tax advisor or even your PA. These are all different roles and should be performed by your respective professionals.

    Duties & Responsibilities

    as a Company Secretary

    Every company must appoint a company secretary under Malaysian law. But do you know what does a company secretary do? Let us tell you his/her duties and responsibilities:

    1. Updating the company’s statutory information

    The company secretary must ensure that any change in the statutory information below should be duly completed in the relevant prescribed forms and lodged with the SSM within the required period of time:
    • Removal of officers from office
    • Disqualification from holding office
    • Appointments/resignations/deaths
    • Annual return
    • Change of company name
    • Adoption, alteration and revocation of constitution
    • Issue, splitting, transfer of shares
    • Any other changes that require notification with SSM

    2. Reminding you on important dates

    The company secretary should advise the board of directors of the relevant dates for holding the company’s annual general meeting, filing annual return, submitting financial statement.

    3. Handling company’s board, general and extraordinary general meetings

    The company secretary’s role is purely administrative which includes the following:
    • Arranging and liaising with the chairman and/or managing director for agenda papers and items for the agenda
    • Providing general advice on matters relating to company secretarial matters
    • Booking and preparing the meeting room
    • Attending and taking down minutes of the meeting
    • Maintaining minute books
    • Following up on decisions made
    • Playing an advisory role to the chairman and the board of directors
    • Lodging statutory returns as appropriate
    • Certifying copies of minutes
    • Ensuring that correct meeting procedures are followed

    4. Compliance with company constitution

    The company secretary must ensure that the company complies with its constitution and drafting/incorporating amendments in accordance with correct procedures.

    5. Maintaining share registration and safe custody of documents

    The company secretary has a duty to maintain the company’s register of members, deal with transfer of shares and other matters relating to shareholding. He usually also keep in safe custody of the company seal and original share certificates.

    6. Coordinating with shareholders

    The company secretary maintains constant communication and acts as a link between the company and shareholders through circular resolutions, issues documents regarding rights issues and capitalisation issues, monitor changes within the register of members to identify potential takeover bid, make enquiries about the ultimate beneficial ownership of shareholdings, general shareholder relations, etc.

    7. Advising corporate governance

    The company secretary must keep himself abreast with the latest development of the company and securities laws so that he can always advise the board on proper corporate governance matters, assist directors with respect to their duties and responsibilities, compliance with company and securities laws and Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements (for public listed companies).

    8. Acting as an officer of the company and advisor to the Board

    The company secretary is the primary point of contact between shareholders and directors, and between company and SSM. He also plays a key role in the event of a corporate exercise (merger, acquisition, disposal, winding up) where he has a duty to ensure the effectiveness of all documentation, ensuring due diligence disclosures, enabling proper commercial evaluation prior to completion of a transaction and timely execution of documentation, etc.

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