5G Business Phone Line
Say goodbye to unstable network speeds, and hello to ultra-fast connections.

Why 5G Business Phone Line?

Faster Connection
Transmission speeds up to 10x faster, in real-time, over wireless connections.

Reduced Latency
Eliminate all waiting time caused by network bottlenecks and instabilities.

Greater Capacity
Robust networks capable of simultaneously supporting millions of devices.
Enjoy Value-Packed Plans
Unlimited Calls, Roaming Across up to 22 Countries, Free Smartphones, Ad-Hoc Internet Pass Add-Ons, Secondary Business Line Option
RM98 /month
RM128 /month
Go Digi 98
RM98 /month
Go Digi 128
RM128 /month
Frequently Asked Questions
Can all computers and phones benefit from 5G?
No, it must be a 5G-capable device that has been configured to support the 5G network. Most devices released in 2022 onwards are likely 5G-capable, but always check the maufacturer’s specifications to be sure.
What are the countries with free roaming?
Depending on the subscription, the user may enjoy roaming in up to 8, 17, or 22 countries, full list as follows:
Singapore, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Brunei, Myanmar, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia & Montenegro, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Australia
Can I purchase Internet pass add-ons at any time?
Yes, add-on Internet passes may be pruchased for RM5 (5GB), RM10 (15GB), and RM15 (30GB) at any time the monthly quota is exceeded.
How is 5G better than 4G?
There are several advantages 5G has over 4G:
• 5G is significantly faster than 4G
• 5G has more capacity than 4G
• 5G has significantly lower latency than 4G
• 5G is a unified platform that is more capable than 4G
Is it necessary for a device to be 5G-supported in order to utilise Malaysia’s 5G network?
Yes, it is. It must be a 5G-capable device that has been configured to support the 5G network.

Got an URGENT question?
Contact us via [email protected] or WhatsApp +60-175159832