Jul2022 B4 MISHU ContentBlog Batch4 04 01

Branding Techniques That You Might Need!

Great branding gives great power

Imagine accidentally falling and you bruise yourself, you need to get yourself an antiseptic to reduce the possibility of infection, what would you think of?

I’m sure you wouldn’t think of the word ‘antiseptic’, instead the first word that comes to your mind would be…

Works on everything but dirty minds.

In another scenario, especially for Malaysians, when we feel like buying or eating cereal for breakfast, we won’t use the word ‘cereal’. Instead, we would normally hear people saying brands such as ‘Coco Crunch’ or ‘Honey Stars’ even though we might not want to buy these specific brands. 

Yes, these are examples of successful brands. Instead of mentioning the exact term or item that a person wants, brand names are mentioned instead. For many people, these brands have already represented the item they are looking for. What makes a successful brand? Well, there are two huge elements that make a brand successful, which are brand name and brand identity. 

Brand Name

What is brand name? Isn’t this just a name for a brand? As straight forward as this might be, this is one of the most challenging parts for an entrepreneur as they will need to come out with brand names that are identifiable and verifiable.

Identifiable: how a brand name can differentiate its product and service from close competitors.

Verifiable: how a brand name can give a sense of authentication and genuine feel to its customers.

Some businesses that have figured out the unique recipe for a successful brand name are Toys R Us, Amazon, Apple, McDonalds, Tesla, and Netflix. These are successful businesses which share one thing in common: Their brand names are always mentioned instead of the type of product or service they provide. 

Brand Identity

So, what is brand Identity? Brand Identity simply answers who you are as a brand.

Businesses or companies would need to figure out about their identities, including their mission, brand values, brand personality and how is the business different from others. Other than that, brand identity also requires a business to brainstorm the visual elements such as colour, design, and logo that can distinguish themselves as a special brand in the consumer’s mind.  

A company that has an effective brand identity is Mastercard. I’m pretty sure that everyone recognises Mastercard’s logo, which is two circles intersecting with the colours red, orange, and yellow. To many, Mastercard’s logo has never changed before, but truth to be told, they have subtlety changed their icon a few times.

These guys managed to trademark CIRCLES!

Therefore, Mastercard has effective brand identity as they gave its brand a design overhaul but is still able to maintain the core brand and characteristics so that it is still easily identifiable by customers.  

With that said, why not create your own signboard or billboard and implement these two main elements in? If you’re looking to express your business through signboard or billboard look us up on MISHU? We’re more than help you to express yourself! 



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