how to find the ebst training proviers in malaysia for employer's needs

6 Questions To Find The Best Malaysian Training Provider For You

As of May 2024, there are 6,515 registered training providers in HRD Corp’s etris database, with multiple training providers covering related if not identical topics. 

For example, searching for sales-related training returns over 2,000 choices!

list of training providers on hrd corp etris platform to help employers find the best training provider in malaysia
A needle in a HRD Corp stack.

With so many options, the challenge is not just to find a top training provider, but also one that fits your company’s specific preferences and needs.

Unsure, decision makers often turn to friends and lists of ‘Top Ten Training Providers in Malaysia’ for suggestions.

retail commerciality training

While both are fine starting points, neither should form the basis of the final decision.

Nobody knows a business better than its internal stakeholders, and these six questions about training providers can help you assess how well they can deliver on your employee training needs and expectations.

Let’s begin.

1. Are they HRD Corp-registered?

hrd corp logo to show registered training providers in malaysia

We start the list with an obvious one, but prioritise programmes by HRD Corp-registered training providers as:

If you’re asking friends and third parties for training provider suggestions, it’s very important to verify this.

2. Are the programmes SBL or SBL-Khas?

Assuming they are HRD Corp members, a training provider’s programmes will likely be under either Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL) or Skim Bantuan Latihan Khas (SBL-Khas), both of which are training schemes by HRD Corp.

The biggest difference is that with SBL, employers pay out of pocket first and claim later, while SBL-Khas deducts course fees directly from the employer’s HRD Corp account, so they never have to pay.

hrd corp e tris list of claimable courses by MISHU under sbl khas
Hey, look, there we are!

Other than that, they’re the same, so it’s preferable if a training provider’s programmes fall under SBL-Khas. 

3. How many trainers do they have?

All HRD Corp-registered training providers must have at least one full time trainer and one support staff, and hiring such a small team carries two major drawbacks:

  • The risk of training being postponed if the only trainer is sick.
  • It limits the number of training sessions that can be provided by a single vendor.

Luckily, many training providers have a network of trainers they engage on a freelance basis, which allows them to cater to much bigger clients than their team would suggest.

Verify that the training provider has enough trainers to cover your workforce and potential replacements.

4. How flexible is content and delivery?

They might, for example, give employers a choice of physical, virtual, or hybrid training options, depending on needs. Physical training might then be offered either on company premises, the trainer’s premises, or a separate location like an auditorium.

It’s a huge plus point if a trainer has their own venue but is flexible with delivery and content.

Training schedules, needs, and delivery methods can require sudden adjustments, especially long-term programmes.

5. How is training impact measured?

The opportunity cost of sending employees for training means it’s important to assess training ROI – easier said than done, but a trainer who is methodical in approach makes all the difference.,

Here are some green flags to look out for:

  • Before training begins, they discuss how to help employees apply skills taught during the programme
  • Immediately after training they provide employees with post-training feedback surveys
  • KPIs are tracked for multiple months after training

This is especially important for recommendations from friends or colleagues, as their definition of ‘good’ training might mean it was ‘fun’, but not actually effective. 

6. Do they have free previews?

Often, training providers release a portion of their programme for free as the equivalent of a ‘test drive’ – if you like what you see, there’s more where that came from.

It’s a great way for employers to assess if a trainer will put everyone to sleep in five minutes.

sleeping seal to show discinterested employees during poorly delivered employee trraining
When power naps turn into hibernation.

This is especially true for online programmes which often struggle with engagement. Spare everyone the painful ‘Zoom call with all cameras turned off’ experience..

disengaged employees during online training
You just know they’re all watching Netflix.

Let MISHU help with your employee training

Training and Development Brendan MISHU trainier HRD corp certified

With multiple HRD Corp Certified Courses under SBL-Khas, MISHU’s trainers and coaches are here to provide targeted corporate training for every level of talent in your organisation, from junior to C-suite executives.

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